Wednesday, July 6, 2011

what the F!@#$

so where i work, we hold events for little kids every wednesdays, and they put me in charge of the PM shows. usually there's a crowd of little toddlers in front of the stage, because they like to be in front of the performers. today, i was doing the usual.. sitting, observing, answering questions, giving out pens and stuff, until i saw this man standing near the crowd. he definitely caught my attention because he was dancing along to the music. i figured he was having a good time, until i saw a cigarette in his hand. along comes his friend with another cigarette in his hand, and they're just blowing it into the kids.. i'm pretty sure they didn't do it purposely, but seriously.. you're standing in a middle of crowd where there are little kids and they're inhaling your disgusting smoke. are people just that selfish or plain retarded? can't you go smoke somewhere else..? so annoying.

then i get this email from about the job postings.. (because that's what i used when i was looking for a job) talking about how their system got hacked but they traced it down and immediately shut it down.

are you serious.. do you have nothing better to do than sit in front of your computer thinking of what websites to hack and shit? i'm so annoyed at this because i was a victim of this a while back. i was playing this game called gunbound and as soon as i logged on, something happened which caused my computer to shut down, and then the next thing you know.. all my passwords were changed, INCLUDING my security questions, and my personal info such as zip code and all, so it was such a BITCH trying to retrieve my password. i couldn't do it online, i literally had to call / email yahoo, and all of my online accounts that i had back then. and THEN i found out that this douche bag idiot decided to go on a shopping spree with my bank of america account.. not to buy a nice fancy tv, or clothes... but to buy gunbound items. approximately $300 worth. i was in high school when this happened so at the time, $300 was like $5000 to me. gees.. every time i think about that incident i get so worked up..! ugh.....

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