Tuesday, September 24, 2013

almost.. october

sorry about not blogging lately! i've been swamped with work and taking care of james i had no time to actually jot my thoughts down which is really a shame. :(

it's finally fall... not officially but when you feel the cool breeze at night and when the air seems crisp you know summer is over. everyday i think to myself, "wow time flies by so fast".. and it really has. i can't seem to remember how i spent my summer days.

these days i've been trying to interact with james a lot more. he is still not talking but recently he has been saying some words like "ball", "appa (dad)", and "two!". he's gotten much taller and he listens to us very well. i really wonder about is future though. there are days when he would be singing and dancing, then there would be days when he screams with his fingers pointed up in the air like as if he's giving a speech.. then there are days when he would be playing basketball all day. hmm... very interesting to see.

i'm not blogging much, but i'm super active on IG so you guys can add me!! my IG id is: esthayim

i'll try to blog as much as i can, but please forgive me if i don't! :)