Tuesday, October 2, 2012


omygoodness.. it's already october! it's getting kinda chilly now.. but i still have mosquitoes flying around my house! it's really annoying! :(

we are still co-sleeping with james, and he is sleeping throughout the night! (no feedings, yay!) and guess what!! we didn't have to use the CIO method. the "CIO" method is a method where you let the baby "cry it out" for a certain amount of time and the baby eventually falls asleep on his own. we gave it a couple of tries but i couldn't stand it.. BUT! we realized that the nights when we did cry him out, he would sleep throughout the night~ so one day i put him in the crib thinking, "okay.. just gonna let him cry for a little bit and gonna bring him back to our bed" until.. he actually fell asleep. =x i wasn't emotionally ready for it.. so i woke him up LOL and brought him back to our bed. i don't know.. i just like sleeping with my baby~

the trick: we have a baby monitor and every time the baby cried we'd run in to calm him down.. but one day i waited it out and he cried and cried for about a good 3 minutes.. and put himself back to sleep~ ever since then he's been sleeping fairly well. he does get up from time to time and cry as well but he usually puts himself back to sleep. yayyyyyyy! i'm very happy.

also the reason why i didn't like the CIO method is because they said that the baby eventually stops crying because he knows that he can't depend on his parents no more. WTF kinda shit is that? i wouldn't want my baby thinking he's alone in this world. am i being too over protective? NO. why? because he is only nine months old. the little dude can't even talk!

anyways- for all you mothers to be, make sure the baby monitor is on your registry, because that thing does come in handy!

happy october!

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