Saturday, July 9, 2011

baby bump?

a friend of mine wrote on my facebook, saying she wanted to see my "baby bump", so i decided why not! you can't really tell much unless i'm wearing a tight shirt, and honestly it just seems like i gained a couple of pounds. but trust me.. I FEEL IT!! i feel like i'm getting big, and usually i'd be very upset, and would try to control my diet and do some crazy work out.. but i feel great! and it's kind of weird.. sometimes my stomach would look bigger than usual, and sometimes my stomach would look normal.. hmm.. maybe it's all the gas and such. (oops! tmi?!) but yes. FYI, constipation kicks in hard when you're preggers. anyways here are some pictures.. i'm not sure if you can see any progress, but i will upload more every other week or so!
oh and something interesting. usually at 15 weeks, that's when the baby measures about 4 inches. at 13 1/2 weeks when i got my last ultrasound, my baby was at 4.3 inches.......... so........................ either it's going to be a basketball player, or a supermodel!! it's def. taking on his/her daddy's genes!! also.. sometimes i get confused. i think i can feel my baby moving?? but i'm not sure if it's actually the baby, or my stomach making weird noises / digesting. >.<

@ around 11 weeks

@ around 12 weeks

my stomach looks bigger in person.. xP

today at almost 15 weeks
taken again just now at home~


  1. haha I love your new blog! I love all the pictures and I'm glad you watched the documentary~~

  2. I vote for supermodel even if it's a boy :)
